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"God values our integrity beyond any kind of sacrifice"...




                          Core values of

Impact Youth Network International


"The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him". (Proverbs 20:7)

    All through the scripture we can identify the importance of integrity in this sinful world, and It is obvious that our integrity is imperfect. The perfect definition of integrity can be found in the life of Jesus, and through him we are able to aim towards true integrity for ourselves. It is hard to talk about integrity without talking about honesty, discipline, purity and honour as characters we must imbibe.

   Integrity could be seen to be the quality of being true, a state of being wholesome and a steadfast adherence to a strict moral and ethical code. Integrity includes self-respect and free conscience, not doing what contradicts your nature in Christ. Integrity involves doing what is right. And the bible says in proverbs 21:3: "To do right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice". This means God values our integrity beyond any kind of sacrifice.

"God values our integrity beyond any kind of sacrifice"...

  Integrity is one of the greatest values of a Christian, it is a value that must be embraced daily and it should reflect in our words, actions, reaction and interaction with people. Integrity creates boundaries and limits; when to say “No”, when to walk away, and when to listen. It has a way of finely selecting the company of friends you keep and the kind of people you associate with.

Integrity always finds a way of keeping you from evil men and it restricts you to follow just the part of the righteous. Thereby, leading you to having a peace of mind and a life full of blessings. These blessings are transgenerational. No matter the problem, integrity always gives you a solution in the way of God. It helps to fix one's gaze on the right things. 

Those who walk in integrity are found blameless before God. Job 2:3: "And the LORD said unto Satan, hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still He holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause."

      A person of integrity always seeks to do the will of God and God is pleased with such a person and his favour always  follow him. (Psalms 41: 11-12) 11. By this I know that thou favourest me, because mine enemy doth not triumph over me. 12. And as for me, thou upholdest me in mine integrity, and settest me before thy face forever. 

Integrity should be the hallmark for all Christians in this world full of temptation.

 "The key to integrity is obeying the instructions of God..."

 A man of integrity is an upright man. The prize of integrity is HONOUR, it set a man before a congregation with a crown of honor on his head.

God is a shield to those that work with integrity. Proverbs 10:9 says: He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but He that perverteth his ways shall be known. 

However, integrity comes with a lot of criticism and sacrifice but like love, it builds boldness, purity and confidence in God. Integrity comes from the heart; it is a way of life set for believers. Blessed are they that find it and walk in it. 

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